I borrowed this idea from Cardine because I like lists. It's a quick way to jot down whatever comes to your mind, an interesting journal technique.
1. The time: 9:25 a.m.
2. Name: Shaneen
3. Piercings: One in each ear. I had two others you can vauguely see but I can't get earrings in them.
4. The most recent movie seen in the theater: Lady in the Water. I liked how M Night Shyamalan played his part in the movie, regardless of what the critics say. Paul Giametti was great. Yes I jumped whenever the scary creature appeared. I'd liked to watch it one more time without the jumping to see the things I missed by hiding my face. But I don't want to buy it.
5. Place of birth: St. John, Newfoundland
6. Favorite Foods: Chocolate
7. Ever been to Africa: No, but I would love to see the pyramids and the Valley of the Kings
8. Ever been toilet-papering: Yes. Who hasn't?
9. Loved someone so much it made you cry: I cried when I got divorced, but that was not love so much as sadness. But I love my kids enough to cry over them.
10. Been in a car accident: Yes and it was my fault. I'm still a jumpy driver.
11. Croutons or bacon bits: I prefer sunflower seeds but croutons are good too.
12. Favorite day of the week: Friday, the day of anticipation.
13. Favorite Restaurant: Don't have one. Just feed me and I'm happy.
14. Favorite Flower: Deep red peonies. I have one bush that grows these and they are gorgeous. If you could just get rid of the ants. Cardine likes flowers better than chocolate. I would prefer diamonds.
15. Favorite sport to watch: Pro basketball
16. Favorite drink: Water.
17. Favorite ice cream: Chocolate chip with those little tiny chocolate chip dots with the occasional clumps that no one makes any more which makes it easier to avoid this disastrous temptation.
18. Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney. I prefer Mickey Mouse over Bugs Bunny
19. Favorite fast food restaurant: McDonalds.
20.Color of your bedroom carpet: Rust, I hate it. It's so 70's. My dream color is a nice soft, grayish lavendar.
21. Number of times you failed your driver's test: Once. When I was sisteen, I flunked the driving test. I was devastated. I didn't go back and retry for six months.
22. From whom you got your last e-mail: Some guy selling Viagra. How do I get my filter back on? Do I need Viagra? Is there something I don't know about?
23. What do you do most often when you are bored: Play Zuma
24. Bedtime: About 11 pm
25. The person most likely to comment on this post the quickest: Booklogged
26. Responses to this post you the most curious about: Cassie. I wouldn't let her read this while I was typing it.
27. Favorite TV shows: Extreme Makeover (Love Ty Pennington) and Gray's Anatomy. ( Love Dr. McDreamy) I like the Rock Star reality show. Those people are really talented.
28. Last persons you ate with: Cassie, Cheya, Myke, Katie, Alyson, Kristi, Ronnie, Jenny, John, Megan, Jeff, Steve, Verona, Ryan, Julie, Brinli, Aubri, Riker and my mom. KFC and potluck. We played Trivial Pursuit afterwards and I did the best for a change. Got lucky on the questions.
29. Dream car: The 2007 Nissa Maxima. Just saw it on a commercial and it called my name.
30. What you are listening to right now: The SLC July 24th parade on the the TV. Cassie is watching it. It's very annoying.
31. Your favorite colors: Blue and yellow. Or Lavendar and sage. It's too hard to decide.
32. How many tattoos you have: None. Not even tempted. Too painful.
33. How many pets you have: Zero My cat disappeared a few years ago and now I'm just alone.
34. Which came first, the chicken or the egg: I'll take a wild guess and say the chicken. Have there been any scientific studies done on this?
35. This question was missing so I'll discuss a couple of interesting things I came across while searching in my lexicon for this title. Leitmotif: Somehow I always associated this with decorating but it also deals with Wagnerian operas. Hmmm. Least common denominator: After reading others blogs and checking on those who comment on mine, I find our least common denominator is that we do blogs. Otherwise we are a very diverse bunch. There are probably more L words I could have used but I got tired of looking in the L's.
36. The last thing you think at night: Put the book away . . . put the book away . . . put the book away. . . put the boo . . . zzzzz
37. Time you finished answering: 9:50 a.m. What time did you finish reading this post?