Monday, September 22, 2008

The First Birthday

Father & Son at Lincoln's birthday party

I can't believe that Lincoln is a year old. Where did the time go? And his father, Jordan, was born twenty-eight years ago. Yes, time really does fly. I love these two pictures with their bony baby butts. It is amazing how much my grandson looks like his dad did when he was brand new.

Here they are a year later. Obviously, they both like cake. Lincoln looked so much like Jordan when he was first born, but now he doesn't so much. His head is shaped differently. I wish I had some one-year-old pictures of Stacey to add to the comparison. Watching Lincoln at his birthday party, I saw some of his expressions that really reminded me of his dad, but he is definitely starting to look a lot like his mom also. It's pretty fascinating to see the wonder of a baby growing up and taking after each of his parents. I can't even imagine life without him and it's only been a year. A few high points this year is watching Lincoln learning to roll, crawl and now HE WALKS! He's a genius. I don't know if he still does it, but a few months ago, Lincoln trilled and rolled his tongue. He has the cutest expressions which just crack me up. Lincoln doesn't cry a lot but when he does, it's kind of scary. He has this deep growling cry. It's really more funny than scary. And he loves books, what more could I ask for?


  1. I think it's amazing that you have a picture of those two babies that look so identical. It's like you staged it all those years ago. And the pictures of them shoving cake in their mouths. It is amazing to watch babies grow and develop and change. I miss Lincoln. It's been awhile since I last saw him.

    Happy 1 year to you, too - A 1-yr-old grandma. You are such a cutey, too.

  2. Awwww, he's so cute! Good grief, by the time I get to meet him, he'll be getting his driver's license!

  3. That is amazing how alike the pictures are! Just today I was looking at Lincoln and he made a face and it reminded me of a picture of me I have from when I was little. I'm finally seeing more of me in him. He's a cutie pie, especially when he's sleeping which is what he's doing now.
