Saturday, May 05, 2007

Financial Activity

On May 15, we are having a financial activity at church. There will be a speaker telling us how to avoid Identity Theft and then we will be playing a game based on the Game of Life. I have a roulette wheel so eveyone can spin to find their monthly income. I will have them roll a pair of dice (hopefully a pink and blue) to find out how many kids they have, and each couple will pick a housing card and a transportation card to find their monthly house and car payments. There will be another set of cards which will say if they have savings, budget, pay tithes and offerings, etc. But I need help with some life situation cards. I'd like each couple to have to take five cards with different situations on them, like medical emergencies, vacations, etc. Some will just say to add or deduct from their balance, some will be based on whether they budget, pay tithing or save, and some will involve the roll of a dice or be based on how many kids they have. It's been years since I've played this game so I am asking for suggestions on what to put on these cards. Humorous is good, but remember this is a church group. Please Help!!! If any of you are in my ward, please keep these ideas to yourself but be sure to attend since it will be fun and there will be prizes (small, but still).


  1. Sorry, I posted this originally on my book blog. I'm an idiot. So I cpied Alyson's comments. Thanks, Aly.
    Alyson said...
    Here are a couple of ideas.
    1. They are financing a child in college.
    2. A parent or grandparent dies in a different state, so they have to miss work and travel.
    3. You probably have this one already, but you should difinitely use the idetity theft thing...someone steals their credit card and charges it up.
    4. Oh, I watched the news last night, and you could have someone lose their savings to some scam artist in Canada.

    That's all I can think of right now.

    P.S. You could probably borrow pink and blue dice from my parents.

  2. -Taxes.
    -They inherit money from a parent after the parent dies.
    -Their basement floods, and insurance won't cover it.
    -Child gets into car accident, and it was their fault.
    -They get a raise.

    I hope that helps!
